Rent German phone number

German phone number.
Don't have any? Rent one!

Would you like to be reachable for your customers with a German telephone number?

No problem: we'll do it.

Just say how many phone numbers you need and we will usually provide them to you within 24 hours.

Important: You do not need your own office / branch in Germany!

There is no waiting time, no paperwork, no long contract periods and the best of all: The German telephone number is absolutely flexible.

Where can I use the number?

In principle, you can use your new German telephone number wherever you want, for example:

  • on your website and business papers
  • for external presentation and communication
    • with customers and suppliers
    • on your website
    • on invoices, business paper, business cards, ...
    • in short: wherever you want!

What does a German telephone number cost?

We offer you the German telephone number for your company in various packages. The prices start at an unbeatable low price of 67,40 euros per month and number. This already includes 500 minutes of conversation for outgoing calls or for forwarding to the German mobile or landline network. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

What happens when customers call the number?

No conversation is lost. You decide what to do with incoming calls and where they should be directed. This can be, for example, an existing telephone number in one of your offices or the direct integration into your telephone system. On request, we can also offer you the right hardware. So you can put your own phone on your desk.

What other options are there?

Optionally, we can do a lot more for you. We offer you the opportunity to register your company in one of our business centers (keyword: capable business address). Here we will take care of the incoming mail and forward it to you.

With our Telephone service You also have the option of us answering calls on your behalf and taking up the customer's concerns and forwarding them to you in writing. Flexible and the way you want it.

How does the order go?

It's relatively simple: send us your request briefly using the following Link and we will get in touch with you shortly!

Good to know: Even if you come from abroad, you do not need to register a business in Germany and also do not need to set up a company. But if you want to start a company, we are at your disposal with ours Start-up advice happy to help.